Effective Date: July 19, 2023
American Postal Infrastructure, LLC (“API”) has adopted a Responsible Investment Policy (“Responsible Investment”) to formalize our longstanding view of considering all stakeholders in our investment and management decisions. We hold ourselves to the highest business and ethical practices.
The purpose of API’s responsible investment policy is to outline a framework that integrates Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) considerations into investment decision-making. The primary objectives of this policy are to enhance long-term financial performance, mitigate risks, and promote sustainable development within our API investment activities.
Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations
API commits to comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and guidelines related to responsible investing, including those specific to real estate investments.
Integration of ESG Factors:
Within the context and constraints of its fiduciary responsibilities, API integrates ESG factors into its investment decisions. This includes assessing the environmental risks of properties and evaluating social and governance opportunities, as defined in our Investment Committee Criteria.
Environmental Considerations:
- 3rd Party Assessments: API undergoes a Phase I Environmental Assessment on all acquisitions, conducted by a 3rd party.
- Zero-tolerance: API removes or remediates all underground storage tank issues identified. Should “friable asbestos” be identified, API will require the seller to mitigate the asbestos issues identified prior to close.
- Climate Resilience: API assesses and manages climate risks associated with properties, considering factors such as flood zones, storm resilience, fire, and rising sea levels.
Social Considerations:
- API will engage with select local communities to enhance localized services provided in un/underserved communities in America.
- API seeks to enhance the role of USPS facilities locally.
Governance Considerations:
- Transparency and Ethics: API works with the USPS, which upholds high standards of transparency, integrity, and ethical conduct. API is committed to these same values, as stated in our Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy.
- Board Diversity: API encourages diversity in its Board, recognizing the benefits of diverse perspectives and inclusive decision-making.
- Risk Management: API integrates risk management practices into its investment strategy, ensuring that potential risks related to governance issues are identified and mitigated.
- As stated in the APIF formation documents, API only makes investments within the United States and United States Territories.
Stakeholder Engagement:
- API engages with stakeholders, including investors, tenants, employees, and communities, to understand their concerns, gather feedback, and foster transparency and accountability.
Policy Review
- This policy will be reviewed and updated, as necessary, regularly at API’s Board of Director meetings.
This responsible investment policy aims to guide API’s investment decisions toward responsible business practices and the long-term creation of value while considering the broader impacts of its investments on the environment and society.